Greener Pastures
This story can be best described as a growing family story.
It is as much about a family that is growing as it is about the valley growing on the family.
As Guildford goes, my wife and I would be considered as newcomers, having only enjoyed eleven years in the also relative newcomer estate of Olive Grove.

Before the move, we lived the average suburban family life in an average ‘close to city’ suburb. The day arrived, when, upon surveying the realm, we made the decision to shift to greener pastures. We had our wishlist and I have to confess, Guilford did not come into consideration. Now, not wishing to bore all, with the details of how we arrived at Olive Grove, It can best be described as the house was acalling. So we bought it and excitedly told our two grown up kids where our new house was located. Their response was deucedly less than our excitement. It seems that our selection was way too far away from friends and modern civilization, so they moved out and we moved on. There we were in the big family home with no family within cooee.

Once we had recovered from the trauma of moving, isolated those items that we required for daily living, created the obligatory junk rooms, and settled the cat, the extended daily orientation walks began. Nature walks along the Helena River, dodging the sticky clay puddles and quickly learning that a shortcut usually ended ankle deep in kikuyu camouflaged swamp. Expeditions to discover which shop sold the best fattening ice coffee, historical appreciation walks, the Guildford pub trail, which, back then also involved passing by the steel and timber, sock laden structure of the Guildford Hotel, and various trips over the bridge and on to the myriad venues that made up the Swan Valley. Given this wealth of choice for entertainment or indulgence, never a dull day to be seen and well and truly settled in and becoming participating Valley citizens ably assisted by neighbours intent upon the same achievement.

At this point it is worth noting that all of the above, and those I haven’t mentioned, benefits of moving to the area, were not considered by family and friends who did not live here, but more two perceived negatives. Apparently we were moving “out there”, miles from.....well, we’re not sure where. We have discovered we are actually not far from anywhere. The second was the low flying airplanes that really are a part of Guildford but it did not take long to discover the appropriate reactions of either total indifference or the momentary mid sentence pause, affectionately known as The Guildford Pause. Every paradise requires an imperfection so as not to be mistaken for heaven. It is amazing how attitudes changed after a visit or two.

Life, as it tends to do, continued on and our children returned and went from our home, weddings occurred and in-laws appeared, inevitably followed by the sound of oohs and ahhs and little running feet as grandchildren proceeded to swell the family ranks.

It maybe the spirit of the valley, I have little doubt there was some of that involved. Sometimes its referred to as a lifestyle change or maybe its the Brigadoon factor (mystical village not the eastern hills suburb) where a new way of life hides around each bend, but whatever it is our children have been called from out of the wilderness and into the valley. Admirably at opposite ends but both making the most of what is on offer. Can you imagine it, wineries with elaborate children’s playgrounds, restaurants with farm animals, breweries with a comprehensive selection of brews? Things have changed. Meanwhile, back in Guildford town it seems there is always somewhere to go, someone to talk to, or just something to see. All generations being culturally or environmentally fed by one means or another.

So, here we are, the three families that come together as one on a regular basis and seldom far from home. Maybe the valley is rich with timeless stories of past family encounters, but I have a sense of pride that our family is now putting its own story into that timeline, over what period of time, who really knows but I am certain that the valley is putting its story into ours for the rest of our time.
Submitted by Karl Wood written for the Family in the Fields Exhibition November 27th 2020.
Ducks in a Row

Like this family of ducks at Lake Leschenaultia, we have always found the eastern suburbs a great place to live! My family has been here since 1975, starting off in Helena Valley. It was a lot more rural back then. Now we are in beautiful Guildford and love being part of the wonderful community there.
Image and caption submitted by Hazel 30th November 2020
I walk and hear my footsteps scritching
Across the way the weeds are twitching
Kookaburra's laugh at me
As I stumble to the bakery
I emerge, with sticky tart
Wait for a coffee and that's the start
My daily walk with bubs in tow
We wonder where abouts we'll go
There's the Stirling Square, it's guns and glory
Or the Guildford trail with it's intriguing story
We walk and wave and wave and walk
As friendly neighbours stop to talk
We're guaranteed to see a face, a smile
For whom we stop and take a while
That's why I love this friendly place
Old Guildford town and it's crumbling face
Being picked up and carried oh so gently
By this wonderful, loyal community.
I love raising my son in Guildford. The community is really supportive and while I've only been here about a year, I already have someone on most corners that I can call a friend. My son is also a favourite with locals and it's so nice that I can share his growth and milestones with others that genuinely care.
We aim for a two hour walk every day and my favourite circuit is a slow ramble down Helena Street to look at all the old houses and then up to the bakery to get a sweet treat and a cup of coffee. Then we go back down James Street to the Guildford Library where I will often trawl through picture books for an hour selecting some goodies for my boy.

Photographs and text by Amy Hotz 2020
Submitted by emily fenner wilson
Text 2020 photographs circa 2015

Raising our family in Guildford means;
Friends and friendly neighbours,
Community and kindness,
Playgroup and school,
Beautiful old buildings with crumbling features and lovely old buildings with sharp new additions.
Red mud and lush gardens.
Walkability and cycle paths.
Trains, planes and automobiles!
Nature all around!
Sugar gums, bird life, quendas and the river,
the snaking, winding Swan River with shady banks and murky depths. Derbarl Yerrigan.
Bitey ants and buzzy flies.
Years of renovating chaos becoming a beautiful kind of chaos and peace as the house and the family grows.
That’s living in Guildford for me.